Monday, November 7, 2011

Kashmiris determined for freedom according to message of Eid --Farooq Rehmani

Islamabad, 06 November,2011: On the eve of Eid- ul- Azha, congratulating Muslims for performing Hajj and slaughtering  animals on the footsteps of the Prophet Ibraheem(AS) Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani  has said that in the present dark and unruly political, economic, and social conditions of the world the secret of Muslim rise is in Islam; not in anarchy, discord, revenge and bloodshed as taught by  Allah through His revealed books and His last Book The Koran. Referring to the ongoing  massive upsurges in different Asian, African, European countries and in America, especially blowing winds of change against  the Wall-Street economic and banking exploitation he said it has been proved beyond doubt that limited freedom, controlled autonomy, so called self-rule or economic packages under alien, autoc­­­ratic and totalitarian systems is unacceptable to the people; any such offer by despotic  governments which also might by the desire and design of India to dilute the freedom struggle can never be a substitute for the internationally recognized  right --the right of self-determination.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that India was the second biggest country as per its population; and  if it wanted to raise  its status in the comity of nations then the country should demonstrate courage and magnanimity to accept the demand of the Kashmiri's  for their right of self -determination. As per the people of Kashmir, he said, " The people believe in tireless struggle for a noble cause. India must read writings on the wall. She should not act as a neo-imperialist country in South Asia. The Kashmiris will not accept any imperialistic meaning of freedom. They will further reinforce and augment their political struggle according to the teachings and traditions of the Ibraheemy  Sunna. The denial to the people's just, persistent and UN recognized  demand  does not augur well for India."        

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