Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Kashmir is a terrible Security State—Farooq Rehmani (Press Release)

Islamabad PK, 6 Sept 2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has strongly condemned mental and physical torture being perpetrated on his party Chief Organiser Altaf Khan by the Special Police Task Force and joint interrogation team in some unknown torture centre, and at the same time raid after raid on his house in Rampore-Bandipora, when he (Altaf Khan) himself was in the custody of secret services. He said Police and secret agencies were responsible for any harm to the life of their party organizer as they had failed to produce him before any court till date.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani called upon the UNHRC and India's humanists to launch their campaign for the repeal of The Disturbed Areas Act and The Armed Forces Special Powers Act from Kashmir as these acts were root cause of police and army brutalities against the people in Kashmir. Without repealing such extreme and inhuman laws Kashmir could not move towards peace and peaceful resolution of the long standing dispute. He lamented over the prevailing conditions of Kashmir saying that the press and media  had been strangulated by the regime; people were more desperate in the streets than ever, because the regime and its police and army looked with scorn at public, and a shameless class of vested interests thrived in these circumstances. He urged upon the members of the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other such groups to see themselves in different villages what was police and army doing and what kind of torture was being inflicted on helpless families of political prisoners across Kashmir.            

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