مظفر آباد/ 16 دسمبر2011 ء: جموں و کشمیر پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کے چئیرمین محمد فاروق رحمانی نے اقوا م متحدہ کے سیکر ٹری جنرل بان کی مون پر زور دیا ہے کہ عا لمی ادارہ جنو بی ایشیا میں دائمی اور پا ئیدار امن قائم کر نے کیلئے کشمیر سے متعلق سلا متی کونسل کی قراردادوں کی بنیاد پر مسئلہ کا حل نکا لنے کے لیے عملی اقدامات کر ے اور ایک ایسی قوم کی نسل کشی اور تبا ہی روکے جو گذ شتہ 21سال میں ایک لاکھ سے زیادہ لوگوں سے محروم ہو چکی ہے۔
محمد فاروق رحمانی مظفر آباد میں پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کے زیر اہتما م ایک اجتما ع سے خطا ب کر رہے تھے جو کشمیر کی آزادی کے صف اَول کے کما نڈر اوررہنما عبد الخا لق گنا ئی المعروف جما ل افغا نی کے 18ویں یو م شہادت پر بلا یا گیا تھا۔جمال افغا نی شہید کو بھارتی فو جیوں نے 14دسمبر 1993کو گرفتار کیا تھا اور 15دسمبر 1993کی درمیانی شب انہیں جسما نی اذیت دے کر شہید کردیا گیا ۔
محمدفاروق رحمانی نے کہا کہ شہید موصوف ایک بے لوث کشمیری رہنما تھا جو آزادی کے لئے سا تویں دہائی سے جدوجہد کر تے رہے اور قیدو بند کی صعو بتیں بھی برداشت کر تے رہے ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ مسئلہ کشمیر حل کئے بغیر خطے میں کشیدگی ختم نہیں ہو گی۔ اس غرض کیلئے جموں و کشمیر کے عوام کی تمام شہری آزادیاں بحا ل ہوں' تمام کا لے قوانین کا خاتمہ ہو' تمام سیاسی نظر بند رہا کئے جا ئیں' پکڑ دھکڑ کا سلسلہ بند کیا جا ئے اور اقوام متحدہ کی مدد سے مسئلہ کشمیر حل کر نے کے لیے سہ فریقی مذاکرات کا آغاز کیا جا ئے۔
اِس تقریب کے دورا ن میں پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کے جنرل سیکر ٹری محمد رفیق گنا ئی ، چیف آرگنا ئز محمد الطا ف خا ن اور عبد الرشید متو نے بھی سرینگر سے ٹیلیفونک خطاب کیا اور شہید رہنما کو خراج عقیدت پیش کیا ۔ محمد رفیق گنا ئی نے کہا کہ حق خود ارادیت کے حصول کی خاطر شہید عبدالخا لق گنا ئی کی عظیم قربا نی کو بھلا یا نہیں جا ئے گا۔ اور اُن کی مشعل کو روشن رکھا جا ئے گا۔انہوں نے کشمیر کی تازہ ترین ظلم ووستم کی صورت حال پر رو شنی ڈا لی۔ ان کے علاوہ حریت کانفرنس کے شوکت وانی نے بھی خطا ب کیا۔
کلو سہ بانڈی پورہ میں شہید کی قبر پر لو گوں نے فاتحہ خوا نی کی اور سری نگر میں پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کے دفتر پر شہید عبد الخا لق گنا ئی (جما ل افغا نی) اور شہداء کشمیر کے ایصال ثوا ب کے لیے دعا کی گئی۔
Friday, December 16, 2011
شہیدجما ل افغا نی کی اَٹھا رویں برسی پر مظفر آباد میں اجتما ع شہداء کشمیر کے مشن کو مکمل کر نے کے عزم کی تجدید۔
Glowing tributes paid to Jamal Afghan in Muzafarabad ─ UN role stressed by Farooq Rehmani
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Abdul Khaliq Gani alias Jamal Afghani(Martyr) |
Thursday, December 15, 2011
جمال افغانی کو لیگ کا خراج
سرینگر//پیپلز فریڈم لیگ نے عبدا لخالق گنائی عرف جمال افغانی کے اٹھارہویں برسی پر انہیں خراج عقیدت پیش کیا ہے۔بیان کے مطابق پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کا ایک اجلا س جنرل سیکریٹری محمد رفیق گنائی کی صدارت میں منعقد ہوا ۔اجلاس میں جمال افغانی کو خراج عقیدت پیش کرتے ہوئے مقررین نے کہا کہ ان کی زندگی ایک کھلی کتاب ہے اور ہم سب کے لئے مشعل راہ ہے۔تنظیم کے چیف آرگنائزر محمد الطاف خان نے اپنے خطاب میں کہا کہ ہم پر یہ ذمہ داری بنتی ہے کہ ہم شہداء کے ادھور ے خوابوں کو شرمندہ تعبیر کرنے کیلئے انتھک کوشش کریں
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Pakistan and Kashmir are twins─Foreign policy must reflect right of self -determination
Faroooq Rehmani's views on Ambassador Moot
Islamabad 14 Dec 2011: Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has emphasized the significance of the right of self- determination and the resolution of Kashmir for Pakistan, peace and regional stability, cautioning that the sub- continent will not be able to defeat the monster of poverty, disease and ignorance without ironing out differences on Kashmir and the people's right to self- determination.
He said that in re-defining and re-shaping the foreign policy of Pakistan --the leadership of the country must reflect the goal of the right of self -determination as the basic ingredient for security, integrity and glory of nation. He said "if the solution of the problem is not prioritized in keeping with the struggle and urges of the kashmiris, the future will remain dark, uncertain and tense."
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said " the future of south Asia depends upon respect of sovereignty of independent nations and right of self-determination and equal implementation of the UN resolutions. Both are interlinked and inseparable and durable peace can be achieved through this policy."-PR
Monday, December 12, 2011
UN Human Rights Commission is sluggish towards Kashmir─ Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad 12 Dec 2011: Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has asked the UN Human Rights Commission as to when the time to dispatch an on the spot enquiry Commission to Kashmir will come. He was giving his reaction on a press-briefing of the UN HR Chief Navi Pillay, who had said that there were no calls for enquiry into the human rights situation in Kashmir by a full-fledged commission, and it was made clear by her that such an investigation was subject to India's consent. She also said, "My office focuses on Kashmir and the violations there. We have had number of exchanges of correspondence---We are watching and monitoring that situation."
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said, "Is Kashmir just for watching a bleeding and humiliating episode? The UN has been monitoring for the past 64 years, sitting idle and behaving sluggishly. If UN waits for India's yes', did it wait for a reply from the slain Qadaffi or from Basharat Assad to order full-fledged enquiry into their actions before? Will the UN Commission choose the position of a permanent and sleeping-spectator in the matter of Kashmir, till the last Kashmiri is killed or forcibly disappeared, or made infirm physically and mentally?
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that if the UN Rights Commission was awaiting a call from Kashmir were not thousands of unknown graves confirmed by the SHRC sufficient or did not the inhuman laws like AFSPA and DAA in vogue in the state enough to warrant intervention of the enquiry Commission? He concluded with these remarks, "Enough is enough. The future of the UN depends upon its approach towards cry and sufferings of enslaved and oppressed nations and peoples of the world. It must stand by the side of the helpless populations or face doom."
کشمیر میں انسا نی حقوق کا انکو ئری کمیشن بھیجا جا ئے- فاروق رحما نی
اِسلام آباد/ 12 دسمبر2011 : جموں و کشمیر پیپلز فریڈم لیگ کے چیرمین محمد فاروق رحمانی نے اقوام متحدہ کی انسا نی حقوق کمیشن کی سربرا ہ نیوی پلے کے اس بیان پر افسوس کا اظہا ر کیا ہے کہ کشمیر میں انکوئر ی کمیشن روانہ کر نے کے لیے بھارت کی رضا مندی ضروری ہے اور یہ کہ ہم علاقے میں انسانی حقوق کی مانٹیرنگ اور واچنگ جاری رکھے ہوےٴہیں لیکن ہمیں وہاں کمیشن کے لیے کو ئ مطا لبہ سا منےنہیں آیا'۔
محمد فارو ق رحما نی نےپر اپنا ردعمل دیتے ہو ئےکہا کہ اقوا م متحدہ گذ شتہ 64 سال سے کشمیر کی اَبتر صورت حال کا مشا ہدہ کررہا ہے۔ کیا اس کے بغیر اس کا کویَ عملی کام نہیں ہے؟ کیا بھا رت کبھی کمیشن کو بلا نے پر رضا مندہوگا؟ کیا ہزاروں نامعلوم قبریں اور کا لے قوانین کامسلسل نفاذ' کمیشن انکوئری کے لیے کا فی نہیں ہے؟ کیا دوسرے ممالک میں عالمی ادارے نے ایسا کمیشن بھیجنے کے لیے بھی وہاں کے ڈکٹیٹروں سے اجا زت طلب کی تھی؟ کیا اقوا م متحدہ کا اِنسانی کمیشن اس وقت بیدار ہو گا جب بھارت آخری کشمیری کو قتل یا معذور یا غائب کر دے گا۔
محمد فاروق رحمانی نے کہا کہ بھا رت نہ صرف کشمیریوں کوحق خود ارادیت سے محروم کئے ہو ئے ہے، رائے شما ری سے متعلق سلا متی کو نسل کی قرار دادوں کو پس پشت ڈال چکا ہے' بلکہ وہ کشمیر میں بنیا دی اِنسا نی حقوق کا بھی گلا گھو نٹ چکا ہے۔ یہ تمام حقوق صرف بھا رت نواز گروپوں اور مفا د خصوصی عناصر کے لیے وقف ہیں۔
اُنہوں نے کہا کہ بھارت اِنسا نی حقوق کے عالمی اعلا نیہ کی خلاف ورزی کا مرتکب ثا بت ہوا ہے۔ وہ اِس عالمی منشور کی تمام دفعات میں خاص طور پر آرٹیکل 3'4 اور 5 کو نشا نہ بنا تا ہے اور اِس غرض کے لیے کالے قوانین ڈسٹربڈ اَیریاز ایکٹ اور آرمڈ فورسز سپیشل پاورس ایکٹ کو کشمیر میں نافذ کرچکا ہے۔ اس طرح ہزاروں لوگ سالہا سال سے جیلوں میں پڑے ہو ئے، شہید اور جبری طور پرغا ئب کیے جا چکے ہیں' جسما نی اور ذہنی لحا ظ سے ناکا رہ بنا ئے گئے اور کتنی خواتین کی آبرو ریزی کی جا چکی ہے۔
محمد فاروق رحمانی نے کہا کہ اقوام متحدہ کے انسا نی حقوق کے ادارے کو اپنا با اختیار کمیشن جموں و کشمیر میں تعینا ت کر نا چا ہے جس طرح وہ افریقہ اور عرب دنیا کے کئ مما لک میں سر گرم ہے ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اقوا م متحدہ کا مستقبل انسا نی حقوق سے وابستہ ہے نہ کہ بڑی طا قتوں سے ۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ کشمیر بیسویں صدی کاایک اَلم ناک مسئلہ ہے جس کو اگر پُر امن طریقے سے حل کر نے کی کو شش نہ کی گئ اور بھارت کو کشمیریوں پر مظا لم ڈھا نے کی ڈھیل دی جا تی رہی تو علاقے میں انسا نی المیہ پیدا ہو گا' اس لیے اقوام متحدہ کو بھارت اور پاکستان دونوں کے سا تھ اِس مسَلے پر فوری مکا لمہ شروع کر کے اپنا فرض پورا کر نا ہو گا۔
Saturday, December 10, 2011
‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ is only on paper ─ Farooq Rehmani
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that the oppressed nations and peoples of this planet could not achieve basic freedoms and economic prosperity and equality and uniform opportunities for the necessities of life, and the World Body could not stand by the side of enslaved, brutalized and suppressed nations during the last 66 years of its existence of which Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan were glaring examples.
He said the, "United Nations is committed to upholding, promoting and protecting the human rights of every individual. This commitment stems from the United Nations Charter, which reaffirms the faith of the world in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person." The United Nations says that these rights belong to you. The preamble begins with all the noble ideas and sermons declaring and recognizing the inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.
Article 3 states, "everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." "No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms says Article 4. Article 4 forbids torture in these words, "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani recalled that the same charter and manifesto had given the Kashmiris their right to self-determination and thus had adopted 12 resolutions to hold plebiscite across Jammu and Kashmir to ascertain wishes of the people but India after having agreed to the plebiscite continued her military build-up, widened the area of occupation and aggression-- violating and flouting the manifesto and the resolutions of the world Organization flagrantly, to perpetuate its illegal and immoral hold over Kashmir. He said, "in violation of these principles and resolutions India has deprived the people of their basic rights and freedoms and has strangulated the Kashmir press; over one hundred thousand people have been martyred, thousands have been forcibly disappeared, dumped in unmarked graves in the far-flung areas, innocent women and girls raped and killed during the past 21 years of the Kashmir uprising. The campaign of repression and police savagery continues even today and the people live under a police regime with incessant fear and harassment. It is a regime of power-hungry elements backed by draconian military laws indifferent to human plight. Moreover thousands have been forced to migrate from their homeland, they remain cut-off from their homes and are denied honourable right to return.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani asked where was UNO and its Charter, manifesto and where were the Kashmir resolutions and what under the ignoble conditions was the future of a sea of humanity and peace and prosperity in this vulnerable region. He urged the importance of freedom and human rights for the Kashmiris and appealed to UNO to come and intervene in this state to grant the right of self-determination to the people in accordance with its commitment and abandon selective application of the UN resolutions on international issues. The time is running short while humanity suffersss untold misery and pain in the wounded and burned paradise of Kashmir."
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Mahathir Mohammad’s proposal on Kashmir should be considered −─ Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad 08 Dec 2011:The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has hailed the statement of Mahathir Mohammad former Prime minister of Malaysia on Kashmir who during his Delhi visit called on the World body to intervene over Kashmir between Pakistan and India to resolve the oldest dispute of the United Nations. He said that the views of the Malaysian leader represented millions of the Kashmiris whose right to self-determination was still on the agenda of the United Nations in the form of over one dozen resolutions binding still on India and Pakistan.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that the Kashmiris were facing slaughter and humiliation by army and police at different levels but India being a big country was using its resources to mislead the world on the inside story and plight of the people while the Kashmiris had neither freedom nor resources to counter India's lies and concocted fables on Kashmir. He asked if the people of Kashmir were living happily with India then why the state was being run by Delhi under most shameful and inhuman laws for the last 21 years.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani rejected the back-burner theory and insouciance towards Kashmir saying it was a fallacious view; Kashmir being the most important question of human sacrifices and aspirations must never be left for unborn humankind. This was really a well-planned conspiracy to make the people slaves for good. He said that over 300 thousand people were massacred in Jammu for demanding freedom in 1947, while over one thousand Kashmiris sacrificed their lives during the past 20 years. How this living history could be ignored and forgotten, he asked.
Referring to Prime minister Gilani's statement on policy-review including Kashmir, he said the time was ripe for Pakistan to review the old policy in accordance with the urges and aspirations of the people and the sacrifices given by the people for the right of self- determination. He said the strength of a nation was linked with its own ideology, national interests and national pride and prestige not with alien interests and ideologies.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
CRPC amendment black conception for black law - Muhammad Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad, 30 Nov, 2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has denounced the very idea of amending the criminal procedure code by India for its army to curb the movement of right of self-determination in an another garb in Kashmir.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said, "India wants to continue its ugly and ferocious job, In a routine manner in the other shape of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) that is a red-iron-rod to guard Indian rule in Jammu and Kashmir." He termed it a black conception of black minds for black laws. He said that it meant that the Indian establishment was in no mood to honor the concern of the world human rights circles to repeal the Disturbed Areas Act and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act for giving space to political and democratic activities in Kashmir .India knows that if her rein of oppression and tight grip over the people of the state is reduced even nominally, next morning it will not get time to pack bag and baggage to quit the 64 years of occupation."
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said, "India has turned Kashmir into the laboratory of devilish ideas against humanity where black laws one after another are experimented to rule the territory." He accused the UN Security Council for showing callous disregard to humanity and towards the resolution of Kashmir after adopting a dozen over resolutions to hold plebiscite there, leaving Kashmiris alone at the mercy of circumstances and military guns, facing unending killings, torture and enforced- disappearances only to be buried in ravines, or rivers or unmarked graves. He stressed that under the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights it was the responsibility of the world Body to protect life and honour of the Kashmiris, abide by international promises and prevent India's occupation forces from trespassing and encroaching upon the rights of the oppressed people of Kashmir. But UN neither conducted plebiscite nor censored, stopped India from enacting inhuman laws to perpetuate state terrorism throughout Jammu and Kashmir. Consequently, India's latest move could be an amendment through an ordinance for the time being to squeeze the public and suffocate them to any extent.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani called on the UN, OIC and human rights bodies to intervene in Kashmir and prevent Indian regime from implementing another black law under the name of CrPC. He said abrogating all inhuman and military laws in Jammu and Kashmir was of the call of the time to gain peace and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Nato invasion an eye-opener - Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad 28 November 2011(PR): The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani strongly condemned Nato and ISAF invasion and aerial bombardment on Pakistani Posts in Mohmand Agency and paid glowing tributes to martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives in defending the integrity and sovereignty of the homeland.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said, "the brutal aggression of the Nato against its alley is fraught with numerous dangers and must serve an eye-opener to the policy-planners of Pakistan. It can potentially destabilize the whole region and will further complicate the long standing issues of these vulnerable and unfriendly states. It will prove as the last nail in the coffin of US influence in Asia." He said the time has come when the world of Islam must promote unity, democracy and self-reliance; and respect urges and aspirations of their people and solve their problems by them elves and guard their interests well.
He said ultimately the disputes of Kashmir and Palestine would be settled by using and strengthening their own independent vision, wisdom, statesmanship and strategic power.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
World Muslim Congress Declaration hailed by Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad:26,November,2011:The Chairman Jammu andKashmir People's Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has hailed the declaration of the World Muslim Congress(Motamar Al Alam Al Islami) with regard to Muslim problems and Kashmir and Palestine movements, during two days five- yearly assembly, held in Colombo,capital of the Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, on 13thand 14th, November 2011. It declared, "The conference expressed its solidarity with the people of Jammu andKashmir who are struggling for their legitimate right to self-determination, as the only peaceful and democraticmethod of resolving this issue." This conference was hosted by the Sri Lanka Islamic Center, and President D.M.Jyarathna, and Prime minister Prof.G.L Peiris delivered their 'full of wisdom speeches' in the opening session of the conference.
The WMC conference appealed and urged on "the human rights institutions to take practical steps to protect life and honour of the Kashmiri men and women being violated under the protection of draconian emergency laws." The conference also demanded the inclusion of the true representatives of the people of Jammu and Kashmir in the negotiations to resolve this issue.
While expressing profound gratitude for WMC'S continuous advocacy of the Kashmir cause, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has hoped that the Secretary General of the World Muslim Congress Rja Zafar ul Haq will initiate steps to inform this august international Muslim body about the draconian laws in vogue, in the turbulent state that have turned Kashmir into a military occupation, making life of the inhabitants insecure, miserable, and vulnerable.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Lifting of black laws key to success of dialogue--Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad 22 Nov 2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, has said that despite conferring most-favored nation status on India and intensifying trade-cum-travel- related activities with it, real break-through on Kashmir between the two states would not take place without lifting up of draconian laws(AFSPA, DAA, PSA, etc. ) in Jammu and Kashmir and without stopping police harassment, and humiliation; and again granting basic political and civil rights and liberties to people. He said that the civil leaders and military commanders in Kashmir were two faces of the same coin and were foreseeing their doom in the absence of inhuman laws. But political need compelled them to criticize these laws and hoodwink the public opinion.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani stated that if they were sincere then they should urge the legislative Assembly and Delhi to repeal black laws from this state. No hypocrisy would be accepted on this issue. He said that the state and the central government and their police and intelligence agencies had strangulated political workers' voice; there was suffocation and harassment of youths at every level, they had been implicated in fabricated criminal cases, they were being forced to attend police and army camps, besides courts; but they were arrested if they attended party offices or organized seminars or peaceful rallies. The spying agencies chased students and youths in universities, colleges, schools, Friday congregations and shopping centers. He further disclosed that even aged and teenagers were languishing in jails and police camps for years together and people cursed these rulers praying to Allah to bring doom to Indian rulers in Kashmir.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani expressed shock over the apathy of the world community towards Indian oppression in Kashmir which meant that the world had forgotten Kashmir in their pursuit for advancing inequities of capitalism, thus encouraging India's intransigence on Kashmir issue.
Given the firm and constant faith of the Kashmiris for freedom he called upon the government of Azad Kashmir to revisit and review their role viz-a-viz the freedom movement in a solid manner; equally Pakistan Parliament to review and examine some of the latest decisions regarding trade with India, in the light of its implications on Kashmir and initiate tangible measure to counter India's propaganda .He said that the world community and Muslim Ummah could be convinced to exert pressure on India, only if Pakistan formulated its own firm stand on the right of self -determination and basic human rights of the Kashmiris.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Kashmir will win struggle by grace of God - Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad, 15 November, 2011: Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has urged Pakistan to raise its support-level of political and diplomatic nature to the Kashmiris to prove that granting of MFN status to India will not prevent it (Pakistan) from supporting and encouraging the people of Kashmir for their just cause of the right to self- determination and freedom as before. He said that, "Kashmir is on the threshold of victory as India is wary of repealing the Disturbed Areas Act and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act from the region despite the ruling National Conference's decision to abrogate these dreadful laws. The army supports these controversial laws as they have developed their own special privileges and interests over the years through the inhuman laws. If India fears that Kashmir will not remain with India without any black law then how the so called accession with India is just, valid and irrevocable?" He said that these laws were responsible for record human rights violations having had blocked all peaceful methods of resolving the 64 year old dispute in Asia.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that trade agreements between Pakistan and India should not put Kashmir on back burner as the destiny of a nation is more important than fun, fare, and shopping. He said Kashmir situation has moved many personalities in India and abroad and human rights advocates and organizations were not happy with India over its dealing with the situation. He said writers and novelists like Arunadhati Roy were on the front-row to garner moral and political support for the military pull-out from Jammu and Kashmir as an Indian citizen. He said that the MFN status for India was now an acid test for Pakistan to show that trade with India would not come in her way to raise its voice for the people's right of self-determination.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, while referring to Syed Ali Geelani's life under- threat said that the matter should not be taken lightly in view of secret and clandestine operations by disguised soldiers against the people for the last many years in Kashmir. He said that Kashmir has ceased to be a safe and peaceful zone for its inhabitants because of the discovery of thousands of unmarked graves around its northern and southern line.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
سید علی گیلا نی کے بھائی کی وفات پر محمد فاروق رحمانی کا اظہار غم
Monday, November 7, 2011
Kashmiris determined for freedom according to message of Eid --Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad, 06 November,2011: On the eve of Eid- ul- Azha, congratulating Muslims for performing Hajj and slaughtering animals on the footsteps of the Prophet Ibraheem(AS) Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has said that in the present dark and unruly political, economic, and social conditions of the world the secret of Muslim rise is in Islam; not in anarchy, discord, revenge and bloodshed as taught by Allah through His revealed books and His last Book The Koran. Referring to the ongoing massive upsurges in different Asian, African, European countries and in America, especially blowing winds of change against the Wall-Street economic and banking exploitation he said it has been proved beyond doubt that limited freedom, controlled autonomy, so called self-rule or economic packages under alien, autocratic and totalitarian systems is unacceptable to the people; any such offer by despotic governments which also might by the desire and design of India to dilute the freedom struggle can never be a substitute for the internationally recognized right --the right of self-determination.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that India was the second biggest country as per its population; and if it wanted to raise its status in the comity of nations then the country should demonstrate courage and magnanimity to accept the demand of the Kashmiri's for their right of self -determination. As per the people of Kashmir, he said, " The people believe in tireless struggle for a noble cause. India must read writings on the wall. She should not act as a neo-imperialist country in South Asia. The Kashmiris will not accept any imperialistic meaning of freedom. They will further reinforce and augment their political struggle according to the teachings and traditions of the Ibraheemy Sunna. The denial to the people's just, persistent and UN recognized demand does not augur well for India."
Savagery of Jammu terrorists can’t be forgotten---Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad,07 November 2011:Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani while paying tribute to the martyrs of Jammu blood-bath, and rape of women by the fanatic terrorists of the Dogra regime on 6 November 1947, slaughtering over 2 lakh of their Muslim inhabitants brutally in Jammu has said that the act of savagery was committed against the entire humanity as the terrorists were plagued with unprecedented criminality, and the Indian army that had landed in Srinagar on 27 October had showed criminal negligence. Massacre of Jammu Muslims was carried out at a time when the valley stood for communal harmony, and Gandhi Ji saw the only ray of communal harmony in the Muslim majority region of the state. He said that the Eid-ul-Azha in Oct.1947,was really the day of mourning for the Muslim population of Jammu, Kashmir, Sialkot, and other adjacent areas, but India was not moved by the most tragic act of organized barbarity.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said, "the historical sacrifice of the Jammu region will never be forgotten, and the flame of freedom will remain burning everywhere." Referring to current conditions of the state he said, "there is no rule of law in Kashmir; the road toward the solution of Kashmir has been closed by India by crushing the people and denying them their basic political rights and civil liberties in the disputed region. Instead of releasing political workers and youths from prisons on Eid, more and more youngsters are rounded up and driven to prisons and police camps by the establishment."
"India has dashed every hope of settling the dispute peacefully with Pakistan and the people of Kashmir," he lamented.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
MFN Status Pernicious Without Kashmir--Farooq Rehmani
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Nusrat Bhutto was a great champion of democracy - Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad, 26 October 2011: Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani while paying tribute to Mrs. Nusrat Bhutto former Chairperson of Pakistan People's Party and widow of the former Prime minister of Pakistan Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto has said that the deceased leader was champion of democracy in this country who ended her life after long trial and tribulations. He said that her life and struggle for democracy in Pakistan would inspire always the people of Pakistan. In her Pakistan has lost a great leader of tireless struggle and forbearance.
Condolences to Pervez Imroz by Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad, 26 Oct 2011: Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has expressed profound grief and sorrow over the sad demise of Sheikh Ghulam Qadir father of the President of Jammu and Kashmir Coalition Of Civil Society(JKCCS) Pervez Imroz in Srinagr. He prayed to Allah to rest the departed soul in eternal blessings and grant Sabre-Jameel to the bereaved family.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Security Council victory of Pakistan hailed by Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad,22 October 2011: The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has hailed the victory of Pakistan in the recent elections of Security Council for a non- permanent seat of UNO's most important decisions executing arm. He said that Pakistan's success in the election is also her diplomatic gain ushering in an era of new hopes for the hopeless world of human rights, especially Kashmiris who want that their voice be heard and the world community take cognizance of their plight under India's draconian and inhuman laws-- repugnant to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Meanwhile Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that India's fresh measures to partially withdrawing its black laws in Kashmir were not acceptable to the people as it would not make any difference in their life and never ensure basic political freedoms to all the political organizations irrespective of their views on the future of the State. He said, " Henceforth, when Pakistan is a member of the Security Council, she should make the human rights problem central question of its diplomacy, particularly in relation to Kashmir and every hour should be devoted to the uplifting of this holy cause of the oppressed peoples of Kashmir and Palestine."
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
We Hail Anti-AFSPA Yatra from Srinagar to Imphal-- Farooq Rehmani
Islamabd:19 October,2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has praised the Anti-Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) Yatra from Srinagar to Imphal under the banner of "Save Sharmilla Solidarity Group" as timely and democratic to rid people of, the neo-colonial military horrors of forced Delhi rule, devoid of any popular support. He also termed the statement of noted Social Activist Sandeep Panda very significant and encouraging for advocating the right of self- determination for the Kashmiris, and other suppressed people saying that the time is ripe for a world-wide tide of political freedom and economic equality across the globe. All the colonialists and corporate exploiters of the world must know that the uprising of humanity is the last nail in its coffin. He said India's National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)Chairperson Justice K J Balkrishnan should not just look into the fast changing situation but it must adapt to it and translate its own word of human rights and human dignity into action. Repression in Kashmir must be brought to an end.
Reacting on the statement of the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 15 Corps of the Northern Command of India Lieutenant General Syed Ata Hasnain at the Islamic University of Science and Technology Awantipora in South Kashmir on Monday,17 Oct. he said "it is a military statement which points to continuous war by India unleashed against an unarmed population for the right of self- determination only." He said the General has only disappointed his own country's jurists by saying that the issue of AFSPA "did not even surface in their unified Command meeting." He said the army's eyes were closed towards the ground realities and India's political manipulations had become totally exposed in Jammu and Kashmir. He asked as to how long military repression could give it oxygen. He said why the Indian generals were still obdurate upon the Disturbed Areas Act and Armed Forces Special Powers Act, from Kashmir to Manipore, when the people were up against these inhuman laws and wanted a peaceful change and peaceful solution of all the disputes. He said that by opposing scrapping of such laws of horror and murder against innocent humanity they were perpetuating savagery of terrible nature and blocking every road to peace, economic progress, prosperity and peaceful solution of a political dispute of international dimensions.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani urged on the military brass and rulers of India to shun their colonial ways of politics and scrap all draconian laws--the Disturbed Areas Act, Armed Forces Special Powers Act, as otherwise they were givingj a license to army and police and their rented agents for rape, kidnappings, fake-encounters, corruption, and all types of killings and humiliations in and outside of the camps. "No state however strong, can survive long by remaining in ever animosity and at daggers drawn with people." He warned.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Interlocutors report another gimmickry of India-- Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad:14 october,2011:Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has termed India's interlocutors' report as a marketing gimmick to persuade people to buy fake gold in its market, but the Kashmiris are fully conscious to remain away from this latest trap. He said that although the people here had been exploited and enslaved economically as well because their trade, commerce, agriculture and industry was controlled by outsiders; but Kashmir was basically a political issue that could not be settled without granting the right of self-determination to the State of Jammu and Kashmir. If other nations of the world can get this and exercise it under the UN Charter, why can't Kashmiris who are as good human beings as others," he remarked.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that as expected before, the interlocutors had not addressed the aspirations of an over whelming majority, and the causes of decades' old turmoil in the state that was rooted in the neo-colonization policy of India in Kashmir.
He warned that the Kashmiris could neither be fooled nor tamed by trivial and superficial economic and administrative measures. They needed a hand which felt the pulse of a nation in their times of terror and torture. He said the interlocutors of Delhi had failed to achieve anything except hollowness of meetings within their regime's narrow political angle. He said the people of Kashmir were facing endless horror of military-police nature, because of their faith in the universal political rights as manifested in UNCIP resolutions and India-Pakistan pledges-nothing less nothing more. The people of Kashmir say if India has problems to hold plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir, then it should be ready to discuss the issue in a tripartite manner with the true representatives of Kashmir and Pakistan. There is no other easier and saner way to address this issue. Neither military might, nor soft- border trade or any other one sided method can satisfy the majority of the Kashmiris. It is better for India to realize failure of her military might and political manipulations in Kashmir and give up military intransigence," he concluded.
Kashmiris will not allow Guru’s execution: Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad Oct 5, 2011: Chairman of The Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has said that to prevent India from hanging Afzal Guru, and hush up unmarked graves' case; the Kashmiris need to give a quick and unrelenting response to India's intentions that was bent upon sending Guru to the gallows for his innocence.
He said and urged upon a peaceful movement by all sections of the society on human rights basis, to create awareness, and gain support of the UNHRC and other human rights organizations for this grave issue. He said the well- wishers of innocent humanity and human life, being certain of partiality and bias of the sentence against Guru in the prosecution's fabricated evidence should learn from Maqbool Butt's case from beginning to the end, and take every non-violent, political and legal step to save the life of Afzal Guru who had not been granted any opportunity to rebut Prosecution's one sided story of attack on the Parliament of India some years back.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that the Kashmiris were invulnerable in their determination to fight peacefully for their just cause, and would not succumb to any pressure by India to roll- back their campaign for freedom and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute. He cautioned against India's conspiracy to force the people to resort to violence; as it was adamant to abrogate draconian laws, especially the Disturbed Areas Act in Jammu and Kashmir. He said no dialogue of whatsoever status would lead to a lasting solution of Kashmir as long as India ruled with gun and military adventurism in the state.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Umar Abdullah uttering bundle of lies--forgetting divine justice-- Farooq Rehman(Press Release)
Islamabad: 29 September,2011. The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League has castigated Umar Abdullah for his false and fabricated theory on the disturbing question of thousands of unknown graves in Bandipora,Kupwara,Baramulla,Handwara,Poonch and Rajoori areas of Indian occupied Kashmir, in which he has repudiated the existence of unmarked graves in these far-flung areas of the State. Umar also claimed that many disappeared Kashmiris were in Azad Kashmir. While the fact is that the Kashmiris who had crossed into AJK, Farooq Rehmani stated, "are in the eyes of the authorities here; not underground as such, but, Umar Abdullah deliberately distracts attention from the facts of this tragic episode.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that Umar Abdullah was only frowning upon the report of the State Human Rights Commission to save his own skin, and appease the kidnapping and torturing machinery of the regime, which was being followed and haunted everywhere by the spirits of innocently killed and forcibly disappeared Kashmiris. He said that every village and city in Kashmir was witness to this sad saga-- who killed whom, but the people were wary of reprisals. But, certainly, he said, "the time would unfold these tragic killings and those who are responsible for enforced disappearances. If Europeans are still in search of their 2nd World War relatives, who had been killed or thrown in unknown graves, and are finding out their skeletons; Kashmiris also would not forget or abandon the campaign for the search of their near and dear ones."
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani cautioned that the regime's Chief Minister was adding salt to our injuries by his misleading statements and yet claiming to be a Kashmiri. It is no surprise, Farooq Rehmani said ,Umar Abdullah can't see the truth of unknown graves or forcibly disappeared people; when he is unable to acknowledge the known graveyards of martyrs spread all over Jammu and Kashmir--in villages and cities. He warned "the puppet CM must know the law of nature, according to which God sees the truth but waits and no tyrant can escape from the divine -justice and punishment, even in this world "
Information Section
Monday, September 26, 2011
NO Solution Within Indian Constitution Acceptable: Farooq Rehmani(Press Release)
Islamabad 26, September 2011. The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani while terming the current security and political climate of South Asia for the resolution of Kashmir inadequate, tense and embroidered, has urged that the people of Kashmir will reject any decision within Indian constitution, which bars them from exercising their right for self -determination in line with the UNCIP resolutions; their urges and aspirations and the sacrifices they have been giving for the past 62 years. Interlocutors
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani reminded that although the forcibly occupied state lived under terrible fear since 1947, but it was during the last two decades that Kashmir suffered more because of the new inhuman laws imposed by Indian government in the state. Killings of innocent civilians and illegal detentions, he said had turned Kashmir into a security state, where there were no civil and political liberties and rights, and people remained at the mercy of police, and agencies of the regime. In this situation, he said, "India's interlocutors for Kashmir have made it clear that they will offer a solution within the constitution of India. Obviously the cat is out of the bag and that too when marriage hall diplomacy has been unfolded to set out a new course of "reconciliation" by politicians and academicians in Jammu and Kashmir," He said that unnatural and unjust ways and approaches to the Kashmir problem in the form of different agreements had failed in the past; and the fate of the present moves would also be not different; the Kashmir will continue to remain a festering wound unless and until the solution was not brought out according to the aspirations of the people, and internationally recognized moral values and democratic principles and resolutions of the World Body.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that the Kashmiris always wanted and demanded freedom and right of self -determination under the United Nation's terms of reference; and as pledged by both India and Pakistan from time to time, as a matter of fact emanating from the Independence Act, 1947. If, he said, India had apprehensions regarding outcome of the plebiscite, then she should accept a tripartite dialogue with Pakistan and true Kashmiri representatives to settle the dispute permanently in a peaceful and honorable manner. No other formula keeping Kashmiris out or on second fiddle will work, he concluded in his review of the current situation of Kashmir.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani reviews superficial diplomacy over Kashmir Urges to taking leaf from British Parliament Debate on Kashmir (Press Release)
Islamabad, 24 Sep, 2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has termed the visit of the former Prime minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry to the traumatic and wounded valley of Kashmir ominous, as the visit of any former or sitting PM or President will amount to encouraging a regime which has been thrust over the heads of the Kashmiris by terror-laws and, and is manufacturing terrorism across the state. "The former Prime minister may call his first visit to Kashmir--the heart of the struggle a private one, but it is unbelievable and his words can't be taken at their face value," he remarked.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said his first visit to Kashmir was a part of a secret dialogue under the cover of marriage diplomacy. Barrister Sultan Mehmood Choudhry during his stay in the valley didn't abstain from talking on solutions other than the UN resolutions, and discussed cross-LOC trade- cum- travel situation with Umar Abdullah, a CBM which has benefited a few, but harmed the cause of freedom. It is said that the ex-Prime minister's visit was for the purpose of attending a marriage-ceremony of his business- friend. Does it mean that these rich politicians and bureaucrats of the divided (by LOC) State are business partners and how long the unfortunate Kashmiris will suffer and the politicians, traders and bureaucrats will thrive their ambitions and celebrate cross-LOC visits by exploiting the slogan of peace. Is it a trap or mirage or both for the Kashmiris? How sad is this situation?"
He said, "The rulers and politicians of AJK should see the dispute of Kashmir from the eyes of the Kashmiris, and not from the prism of bloody rulers, who wash their hands with the blood of Kashmiris. No one should deviate from the aims and objectives of the freedom movement as ingrained in our people's blood and incorporated in UN resolutions and in the constitution of AJK. The rulers must not dare to dishonor and demolish the edifice of this holly struggle, built upon the glorious sacrifices of the people. The bridge of understanding can't be built in air. The rulers or other ambitious politicians of AJK must not act as intermediaries between Kashmir and India. It never suited them as spokesmen of the base-camp. Remember the atrocities being perpetrated on the Kashmiris in every form and manifestation by India and her agents are unprecedented and unabated, and their unrelenting face is the latest discovery of unmarked mass graves in Poonch and Rajori sectors.
The ruling People's Party coalition should not keep its eyes shut from the Disturbed Areas Act and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, etc. Unfortunately, many political and media visitors from this part of the state, to that part have disappointed the people by their overtures and meetings in Srinagar and Delhi, or their silence on atrocities has increased India's intransigence and has only perpetuated terror of the regime against the people of Kashmir. The visit of the ex-Prime minister of Azad Kashmir to Srinagar gives an inkling as to what could develop in future, especially when at the same time the interlocutors of Delhi in Srinagar did not conceal their intentions under soft diplomacy, describing the history of Kashmir issue "contentious," and stating categorically their decision to submit their proposals for a solution to the government of India within Indian constitution.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that these developments turned tour and marriage diplomacy into mere gimmicks, adding that the tour and trade CBMs were only meant for selected people across the LOC. It was all futile for millions of the Kashmiris who had been groaning under worst police rule for the last two decades; subjected to enforced disappearances, custodial killings, gang rapes, imprisonments, etc. Moreover, thousands of Kashmiris from the valley and Jammu had taken shelter in Pakistan, Azad Jammu and Kashmir and some western countries; awaiting a safe, and an honorable return to their solitary and desolate homes.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has selected the following queries for the advocates of this superficial diplomacy which goes contrary to our interests and aspirations; "Have these visits of AJK rulers, politicians, academicians, Journalists, artists, singers/dancers, and traders to Jammu and Kashmir, since 2004, helped the inhabitants of that 'beautiful prison' in any manner? Will the leadership of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir review their policy and approach in the light of these conditions and aspirations of the Kashmiris under India's occupation, and at the same time act upon our common national interests for the sake of God and people?" Instead of wasting their time, money and energy in such trivial, futile, fragile, and self-deceptive exercise; was it not practical and productive to take a leaf from a recent debate on Kashmir in the British House of Commons, and not only launch a similar campaign from Azad Kashmir to Pakistan in all the assemblies, but also create the same awakening in some other parliaments of the world, at least in countries where law makers are highly conscious about human dignity and concerned over human rights violations. Let us not fool ourselves by Bus Diplomacy, or Marriage Diplomacy, or Cricket Diplomacy, or other puppet-show based upon the modern world disorder."
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Peaceful resistance against inhuman laws demanded by Farooq Rehmani - Condemned torturing of Altaf Khan in JIC Humhama
Islamabad 11 Sept 2011: The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, while expressing his grave concern over continuous arrests and detentions of political workers by police in Kashmir, strongly condemned torturing of Altaf Khan PFL Chief Organizer, by tearing and pulling hairs from his head to inflict sever pain upon him under illegal detention and interrogation in CIK (JIC) Humhama Srinagar. Before this on and after 3 Sept, his parents were tortured and humiliated by Police SOG and Indian army in their home in Bandipora.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani demanded arrested political worker's immediate release or open court trial, as his life was in danger and police was inflicting sever pain on him. He further demanded accountability of police and interrogating agencies and their officers to save victims from their tyranny. He also demanded repealing of the J&K Disturbed Areas Act and other inhuman laws from Kashmir to establish peace in the region. He appealed to the humanitarian and political organizations to show peaceful resistance against all inhuman laws in Kashmir.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Disturbed Areas Act root cause of Regime-Terror—Farooq Rehmani
Islamabad 09 Sept, 2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, has urged on India to abolish Jammu and Kashmir Disturbed Areas Act,1990 to prove her sincerity, and honesty for peace and peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue. He said the UN should help the Kashmiris to free themselves from the clutches of inhuman laws.
JKPFL Chairman said that if the Armed Forces (J and K) Special Powers Act,1990, gave Indian forces sweeping powers, facilitating arbitrary arrests, detention and extra judicial executions as well as destruction of property; the J &K Disturbed Areas Act,1990 was blocking the gateway to peace and acted as umbrella for the Armed Force Special Powers Act.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that as long as there was the DA Act no other inhuman law including the AFSPA could be repealed; and neither detenus could be released nor would the cyclone of arrests be stopped in Kashmir. He said every Kashmiri has his own gory story of human rights atrocities to tell as there existed the law of Disturbed Areas which allowed an official of the level of Head Constable to use force or shoot(and kill) under the pretext of maintaining the public order. "The Act gives the police extra ordinary powers of arrest and detention. It provides a cover to the state machinery for indiscriminate and unprovoked firing at peaceful and unarmed demonstrators, extra judicial killings and destroying or burning the property of the Kashmiris on suspicion. Besides, section 6 gives legal immunity to persons acting under this Act; no suit or prosecution can be instituted, except with the previous sanction of the government against any person in respect of anything done or purported to be done in exercise of the powers conferred by the Act."
The AFSPA, 1990 ordinance, introduced in July, 1990, was later enacted by the Parliament of India and enforced on 10th September, 1990.When certain areas are declared to be "disturbed", the army and paramilitary forces receive sweeping powers under section 4(C) of this Act," he elaborated and warned that the only aim of the laws was to stall every peaceful effort of resolving Kashmir, bring Kashmiris to their knees and never open gateway of peace and human rights in Kashmir. He emphasized that the international community should understand its implication and keep Kashmir on priority of a peaceful and durable resolution.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani said that these black laws were self- explanatory and the world community should not hesitate to know who were behind the killings of about one hundred thousand kashmiris, enforced disappearances, thousands of unmarked graves and gang rapes of women who were perpetuating such crimes in Kashmir in the name of so called public order for the last 20 years. "This is a big question before the UN its world court and the Human Rights council but hiding or throwing dust on it is equally criminal," he concluded.
ریاستی دہشت گردی کا بنیا دی سبب ڈسٹر بڈ ائریا ز ایکٹ ہی ہے۔فاروق رحمانی
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Kashmir is a terrible Security State—Farooq Rehmani (Press Release)
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani called upon the UNHRC and India's humanists to launch their campaign for the repeal of The Disturbed Areas Act and The Armed Forces Special Powers Act from Kashmir as these acts were root cause of police and army brutalities against the people in Kashmir. Without repealing such extreme and inhuman laws Kashmir could not move towards peace and peaceful resolution of the long standing dispute. He lamented over the prevailing conditions of Kashmir saying that the press and media had been strangulated by the regime; people were more desperate in the streets than ever, because the regime and its police and army looked with scorn at public, and a shameless class of vested interests thrived in these circumstances. He urged upon the members of the Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and other such groups to see themselves in different villages what was police and army doing and what kind of torture was being inflicted on helpless families of political prisoners across Kashmir.
SOG of Police again raids over house of Altaf Khan and beat her mother in Bandipora
STF Police again raids over house of Altaf Khan and beat her mother in Bandipora
4 September 2011
Srinagar: Special Police Task Force of Kashmir on Sunday early in the morning raided again the house of Altaf Khan Chief organizer Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League in Bandipora, who was arrested on Saturday and is in the custody of police in Bandipora.
The raiding police party after entering into the house smashed house articles and broke windows and doors of the house. Moreover they beat Altaf Khan's mother and injured her to create panic and harassment in the area. The J&K People's Freedom League and Civil Society have strongly condemned the police raid on Altaf Khan's house.
-الطا ف خا ن کے گھر پر تیسری بار فو ج اور ٹا سک فورس کے چھا پے-اہل خا نہ کی ما رپیٹ ۔فا روق رحمانی کی طرف سے شدید مذمت
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Farooq Rehmani expresses concern over fate of Altaf Khan in Kashmir Police (STF) custody
Islamabad 04 September2011: The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has expressed grave concern over the fate of his party's Chief Organizer Muhammad Altaf Khan, who was arrested yesterday in the early hours of morning from his home in Bandipora by Rashtriya Rifles of Indian army and Kashmir police and later handed over to Special Police Task Force, fearing that since the public record of the STF was not good, they could harm the arrested leader of the People's Freedom League.
He said Altaf Khan was ill and must be treated well and released immediately. He said the regime had given unbridled powers to local police informers even at village and Mohalla- level, and they were settling personnel scores with people to take revenge from them and collect bribes from the families of the political victims.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani further blamed the regime for trying to squeeze the JKPFL organization, whose popularity at the grass-root level had unnerved it and vested political interests; otherwise there was no reason for launching a police drive for re-arresting the party General Secretary Muhammad Rafiq Ganai, and raiding his house, who was released only last month after one year of detention. He said since corruption was rooted deep in the police-cobweb from top to bottom; therefore political workers and civilians had become an easy prey to the lust of the police men and officers.
He expressed dissatisfaction over the current state of affairs saying that a corrupt regime with a corrupt police-info system would always sabotage restoration of peace in Kashmir, so essential for the resolution of Kashmir dispute.
Farooq Rehmani condemns arrest of Altaf Khan (Press Release)
Islamabad:03 September 2011: The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir People's Freedom League Muhammad Farooq Rehmani has strongly condemned arrest of the party's Chief Organizer Muhammad Altaf Khan, expressing serious concern over his health as he was under medical treatment since his release last year from prison. Kashmir Police and Rashtriya Rifles of Indian army arrested him today early in Bandipora.
Muhammad Farooq Rehmani demanded immediate release of the arrested leader saying that the police drive against his party men was aimed at crushing the organization. It was tantamount to claims of the regime regarding freedom of thought and association in Kashmir. He said the highhandedness of the regime was against conducive political atmosphere, so urgently needed for the peaceful conflict resolution process of the 60 year old Kashmir dispute.
The aged parents of Altaf Khan have also expressed serious concern over the arrest of their son demanding his immediate release from police custody.